Progress Report 2020: The Political Revolution In Michigan
Four years into the political revolution in Michigan, progressives and leftists have won many victories large and small. Here’s my report on the accomplishments and setbacks of the progressive insurgency in the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) over our first four years. All offset quotes are language the progressive movement added to the 2020 MDP platform.
A Fair Process for Biden to Step Aside
Fellow Democrats, we have a problem. Most Biden voters aren’t voting for him; they’re voting against Trump. In the 2020 CNN exit poll, 68% of Biden voters were against Trump (n = 15,590), not for Biden. A few days ago, CNN reported that 63% of Biden's “supporters” are...
Things People Say they Believe, but Obviously Don’t #1
Here’s the first installment of an occasional series on things people say they believe, often vehemently, but obviously don’t actually believe.
Number 1: “Corporations are people.”
Collective Bargaining – The Class Divide
Corporations are collective bargaining units for their shareholders.
Vote it Down and Raise the Stakes
The climate catastrophe is an existential threat to life on earth, and voter suppression is an existential threat to our way of life.
MDP Leadership Sabotage Party Elections, State Primaries
Full Disclosure: I am an elected DNC delegate and a founding member of MISolidarity. MDP leadership, particularly Chair Barnes and Appeals Committee Chair Tim Hughes, are actively undermining our election system - both internal Party elections and state primary...