Editors Note: This is a story that is repeating itself many times across the country as many progressives exit the Democratic Party, specifically citing the Party’s constant violations of its own rules. Regular readers will remember Nicole Reid from this article, when we were fighting to get the Party to follow their rules. They refused to even acknowledge the charges she raised. Nicole is a dedicated progressive activist. She was inspired by Bernie Sanders to run for office in 2016, earning 32% of the primary vote against an establishment incumbent. That did not dissuade her. In 2017 she was elected to the Michigan Democratic Party State Central Committee and the Environmental Caucus. She founded St Clair County for Bernie, and hosted many monthly meetings, phonebanks, canvasses, and was a Bernie Victory Captain. Below is her letter explaining her decision to leave the Democratic Party.
I truly appreciate Liano Sharon, his hard work and dedication on fighting my rejection as a Bernie delegate. However, I have chosen not to peruse this issue any further for 3 reasons:
- The values of the Democratic party do not align with my progressive values. I care about people and the planet first. Rigging the Democratic nomination against Bernie, twice, is more than I am willing to put up with. I have donated my energy, time and money to Bernie Sanders. While, I still respect and appreciate him and his lifetime of dedication to the people, I ethically do not agree with his decision to endorse Biden. I will not vote for the lesser of two evils, even if Bernie is asking me to.
- Joe Biden is beyond repair, his record as a politician and a person is atrocious, he has done irreputable damage to people of color and women with his policy stances. Even if I could be a delegate, there is no reforming Biden. Every promise he might make to progressives for our votes would be bullshit. If Biden is elected and is cognitively able to serve as president, he would give us more the of the same shitty policies he has always given us. Biden himself said he would maintain the status quo. I am done with the status quo and I am humble enough to know that nothing I say or do will make Biden a better man or politician.
- I’m not signing the NDA. I read it, I could not sign it and sleep at night.
I fully support my progressive brothers and sisters who are going to the convention to fight for Bernie and his platform. However, my relationship with establishment democrats has been abusive and I am choosing to end it, for my own sanity.

Again, I love and respect Bernie, but I do not agree with his decision to support Biden. I defended Bernie in 2016, when he endorsed Hillary, I believed that he did it because his Senate committee memberships were at stake. However, conceding to Hillary (and more election rigging than I will explain here) gave us Trump. If I’m being honest, which I always am, Bernie is old, this is his last shot at a revolution. What I want from Bernie right now, is for him to take down the establishment, the entire Democratic (and maybe Republican) party on his way out. I don’t understand how Bernie can continue to defend a party that has fought him and screwed him at every turn.
Although I disagree with Bernie now, I will forever be grateful to him, for the hope he gave us all, the revolution he started, and the progressive family he gave me.
Love, peace & solidarity,
Nicole Reid